ENDLESS™ Space 2: DLC Collection
- 4X
- 回合制策略
Endless Space 2是一部策略太空歌剧,具有独特的“再来一回合”游戏体验,背景设定在神秘的无尽宇宙。作为你方文明的先驱,您是否愿意一展宏图,建立最伟大的星际帝国?
Items Included

The resilient and stubborn Vaulters left the dying planet of Auriga for a new chance at finding a place they can finally call home.

Meet the Hissho, a militaristic faction focused on expanding their empire and subjugating those who stand in their way.

Even if they are not the leading forces of the galaxy, minor factions still have their own heroes and their own stories: hear them out.

The Harmony are back. The travelers of this minor faction are experts at exploiting resources and will be invaluable allies. Also includes seven exclusive music tracks.

Enjoy nine remastered tracks from the original Endless Space as well as a new Harmony Hero: FES2 Reflects.

The Leader of the Academy’s influence is wavering, and Restless Heroes start to rise… this epic multiple ending questline will make each of your decisions count.

The Umbral Choir faction does not usually meddle with the rest of the denizens of the galaxy, but even they cannot ignore its death cry.

The Nakalim faction was once a vast galactic empire under the guidance of their gods, the Lost. When the Lost were slain, the Nakalim fell from grace. They now seek to reclaim their ancient territories.

With twelve new story quests, investigate ancient mysteries and… less ancient problems caused by unruly subjects of your empire.
- Chinese (traditional)
- English
- French
- German
- Korean
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
- Chinese (traditional)
- English
- French
- German
- Korean
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish

对于所有想要探索或再次探索Amplitude Studios旗下的史诗级故事线和创造性游戏体验的玩家来说,ENDLESS™宇宙合集是一款终极扩展包。
ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition 一切由此开始。在这款回合制策略史诗巨作中,探索银河,揭开其中的秘密,为一统银河而战。您会采用外交手段,还是会踏平一切胆敢阻拦道路之人?
ENDLESS™ Space 2 - Definitive Edition 在这款策略太空歌剧中,您将继续努力成为掌控尘埃进而掌控银河的文明。可供选择的派系有12个,而且都在争夺权力,您的地位将持续受到挑战……哪怕是在自己的帝国内。
ENDLESS™ Legend - Definitive Edition 在这款幻想类回合制策略游戏中,在一望无垠的太空里,为御夫座无情的星球而纵横捭阖。面对无数威胁,作为十四个派系之一的领袖,您将不得不打造属于自己的传奇,确保人民的生存。
Dungeon of the ENDLESS™ - Definitive Edition 身为发配御夫座星系当奴工的罪犯,而你又迫降在一座地牢般的无尽设施,情况只会变得更糟。在这个Rogue-Like地牢防御类冒险中,与其他囚犯和守卫合作是您活着出去的唯一选择。
