모든 게임들

나만의 독특한 문명을 만들어 인류의 역사를 다시 써 내려가 보세요. 이번 Definitive Edition으로는 고대부터 현대까지 총 86개 문화를 조합하여 자신의 국가를 승리로 이끌 수 있습니다. 번성하는 도시를 세우고, 웅장한 전투에서 상대를 압도하고, 자신의 영향력을 발휘하여 HUMANKIND™에 자신의 흔적을 남기세요.
Definitive Edition은 기본 게임과 함께 지금까지 발매된 추가 콘텐츠를 전부 포함합니다.

이 업그레이드는 Standard edition 소유자에게만 적용됩니다.
Digital Deluxe Upgrade에는 다음과 같은 HUMANKIND™ 콘텐츠가 포함되어 있습니다:
-부대 및 기술 계통도 포스터 (.pdf)
-HUMANKIND™ 노트르담 팩
-기본 게임은 포함되어 있지 않습니다.
- HUMANKIND™ Original Soundtrack

Together We Rule 확장팩으로 하나된 HUMANKIND™를 만들어 보세요! 인류 의회, 신규 자원 (발언력), 신규 대사관 구역으로 해금되는 새로운 국가간 상호작용, 신규 부대 3종, 외교 지향 신규 문화 6종 등 다양한 신기능이 준비되어 있습니다!

라틴 아메리카 문화 DLC로 HUMANKIND™ 경험을 확장하세요!
- 6개의 새로운 문화: Caralans, Nazca, Taíno, Inca, Argentinians, Cubans
- 6개의 새로운 경이로움
- 9개의 독립된 사람들
- 15개의 이야기 이벤트Arnaud Roy
- 가 작곡한 30개 이상의 음악 트랙

Para Bellum Wonders 팩으로 HUMANKIND™에서 전쟁의 길을 탐험하고 이 상징적인 경이로움을 통해 충돌에 대한 완전히 새로운 접근 방식을 시도해보세요!

HUMANKIND™ is Amplitude Studios' magnum opus, a Historical Strategy game where YOU will re-write the entire narrative of humankind – a convergence of culture, history, and values that allows you to create a civilization that is as unique as you are. HOW FAR WILL YOU PUSH HUMANKIND?
The HUMANKIND™ Collection on PC includes:
- HUMANKIND™ digital game
- HUMANKIND™ - Cultures of Africa DLC
- HUMANKIND™ digital soundtrack (.mp3)
- Unit & Tech tree poster (.pdf)
- HUMANKIND™ Notre-Dame pack

ENDLESS™ Space: Disharmony - The first expansion pack for Endless™ Space features the Harmony faction, five new Heroes, Fighters and Bombers, improvements to combat, new Technologies and Improvements, and other major additions and fixes.

Endless Space 2 is a Strategic Space Opera, featuring the compelling “just one more turn” gameplay, set in the mysterious Endless universe. As the leader of your civilization, will you impose your vision and build the greatest stellar empire?
- ENDLESS™ Space 2 Vaulters
- ENDLESS™ Space 2 Supremacy
- ENDLESS™ Space 2 Untold Tales
- ENDLESS™ Space 2 Lost Symphony
- ENDLESS™ Space 2 Harmonic Memories
- ENDLESS™ Space 2 Celestial Worlds
- ENDLESS™ Space 2 Penumbra
- ENDLESS™ Space 2 Awakening
- ENDLESS™ Space 2 Dark Matter

ENDLESS™ Legend is a 4X turn-based fantasy strategy game by the creators of ENDLESS™ Space and Dungeon of the ENDLESS™ . Control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!
- ENDLESS™ Legend Base Game
- ENDLESS™ Legend Guardians
- ENDLESS™ Legend Shadows
- ENDLESS™ Legend Echoes of Auriga
- ENDLESS™ Legend The Lost Tales
- ENDLESS™ Legend Shifters
- ENDLESS™ Legend Tempest
- ENDLESS™ Legend Inferno
- ENDLESS™ Legend Symbiosis
- ENDLESS™ Legend Monstrous Tales

- ENDLESS™ Legend Monstrous Tales
- ENDLESS™ Legend Echoes of Auriga
- ENDLESS™ Legend Guardians
- ENDLESS™ Legend Inferno
- ENDLESS™ Legend Shadows
- ENDLESS™ Legend Shifters
- ENDLESS™ Legend Symbiosis
- ENDLESS™ Legend Tempest
- ENDLESS™ Legend The Lost Tales

- Dungeon of the ENDLESS™ Crystal Edition
- Dungeon of the ENDLESS™ Deep Freeze
- Dungeon of the ENDLESS™ Rescue Team
- Dungeon of the ENDLESS™ Soundtrack

The ENDLESS™ Universe Collection is the ultimate pack for all those who want to discover or rediscover the epic storylines and innovative gameplay of the Amplitude Studios franchise.
ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition
The game that started it all. In this turn-based strategy epic, you will fight for galactic domination while exploring the galaxy and unveiling its secrets. Will your approach be a diplomatic one, or will you choose to destroy everything in your way?
ENDLESS™ Space 2 - Definitive Edition
A strategic Space Opera in which your struggle to become the civilization that controls Dust, and by extension the galaxy, continues. With twelve factions to choose from, all vying for power, your place will always be challenged… even within your own empire.
ENDLESS™ Legend - Definitive Edition
Trade in the vastness of space for the ruthless planet of Auriga in this fantasy turn-based strategy game. The menaces will be numerous: you will have to forge your own legend as the leader of one of fourteen factions to ensure the survival of your people.
Dungeon of the ENDLESS™ - Definitive Edition
As a criminal sent to the Auriga system for slave labor, things only got worse when you crash landed in a dungeon-like Endless facility. Teaming up with other inmates and guards is your only option to get out alive from this Rogue-Like Dungeon-Defense adventure.

This exclusive bundle is the perfect pack to get the most out of the Amplitude classics, featuring the HUMANKIND™ Standard Edition and all the ENDLESS™ franchise games.