ENDLESS™ Legend: Definitive Edition
- 4X
- 回合制策略
《ENDLESS™ Legend》是一款4X回合制奇幻策略遊戲,由《ENDLESS™ Space》和《Dungeon of the ENDLESS™》創作團隊悉心打造。一手掌控文明大小事,同時奮力營救自己的家園Auriga。打造你的個人傳奇!
Items Included
Endless Legend is the 4X turn-based fantasy strategy game by Amplitude Studios, the creators of the Endless Universe. Your homeworld, Auriga, is an inhospitable one. After surviving the worst winter on record for the fifth time in a row, alarming rumors about an even harsher future arrive to your ears.
Endless Legend™ - Guardians
The Endless had imprisoned them, but they have now broken free. Who are these guardians? And more importantly, how will you make their powers yours?
ENDLESS™ Legend - Shadows
The Forgotten are a major faction that was thought to be long gone. These masters of espionage, infiltration, and sabotage strike from the shadow. Only a fool would make enemies of them.
ENDLESS™ Legend - Echoes of Auriga
These seven new tracks are here to further enhance your immersion in the world of Auriga. They also come with an exclusive equipment pack for your units.
ENDLESS™ Legend - The Lost Tales
The minor factions are brimming with characters whose stories remain to be told. Discover more about them with these quests.
ENDLESS™ Legend - Shifters
The Allayi faction’s presence on Auriga predate the Endless. They are bound to Auriga, their bodies and minds reflecting the state of the planet, and they will do anything to defend it.
ENDLESS™ Legend - Tempest
The oceans of Auriga still hold many mysteries: one of them now reveals itself in the form of the Morgawr faction. They hold dominion over the seas, and even the land is not safe from their curse.
ENDLESS™ Legend - Inferno
The arrival of the Kapaku brought drastic change to the planet’s topography. This faction thrives on volcanic terrain, and they will not stop until the rivers of Auriga flow with lava.
ENDLESS™ Legend - Symbiosis
The ancient faction of the Mykara joins the fray with one purpose in mind: bringing balance back to Auriga. Will the Urkan beasts once more defeat their plan?
ENDLESS™ Legend - Monstrous Tales
Auriga’s folklore is full of stories and myths about monsters inhabiting its depths and far reaches. Dive in and uncover ancient truths with these twenty new quests.
《ENDLESS™ Legend》是一款4X回合制奇幻策略遊戲,由《ENDLESS™ Space》和《Dungeon of the ENDLESS™》創作團隊悉心打造。一手掌控文明大小事,同時奮力營救自己的家園Auriga。打造你的個人傳奇!
《ENDLESS™ Legend》是一款4X回合制奇幻策略遊戲,由《ENDLESS™ Space》和《Dungeon of the ENDLESS™》創作團隊悉心打造。一手掌控文明大小事,同時奮力營救自己的家園Auriga。打造你的個人傳奇!
《ENDLESS™ Legend》是一款4X回合制奇幻策略遊戲,由《ENDLESS™ Space》和《Dungeon of the ENDLESS™》創作團隊悉心打造。一手掌控文明大小事,同時奮力營救自己的家園Auriga。打造你的個人傳奇!
《ENDLESS™ Legend》是一款4X回合制奇幻策略遊戲,由《ENDLESS™ Space》和《Dungeon of the ENDLESS™》創作團隊悉心打造。一手掌控文明大小事,同時奮力營救自己的家園Auriga。打造你的個人傳奇!
《ENDLESS™ Legend》是一款4X回合制奇幻策略遊戲,由《ENDLESS™ Space》和《Dungeon of the ENDLESS™》創作團隊悉心打造。一手掌控文明大小事,同時奮力營救自己的家園Auriga。打造你的個人傳奇!
《ENDLESS™ Legend》是一款4X回合制奇幻策略遊戲,由《ENDLESS™ Space》和《Dungeon of the ENDLESS™》創作團隊悉心打造。一手掌控文明大小事,同時奮力營救自己的家園Auriga。打造你的個人傳奇!
《ENDLESS™ Legend》是一款4X回合制奇幻策略遊戲,由《ENDLESS™ Space》和《Dungeon of the ENDLESS™》創作團隊悉心打造。一手掌控文明大小事,同時奮力營救自己的家園Auriga。打造你的個人傳奇!
《ENDLESS™ Legend》是一款4X回合制奇幻策略遊戲,由《ENDLESS™ Space》和《Dungeon of the ENDLESS™》創作團隊悉心打造。一手掌控文明大小事,同時奮力營救自己的家園Auriga。打造你的個人傳奇!
《ENDLESS™ Legend》是一款4X回合制奇幻策略遊戲,由《ENDLESS™ Space》和《Dungeon of the ENDLESS™》創作團隊悉心打造。一手掌控文明大小事,同時奮力營救自己的家園Auriga。打造你的個人傳奇!
《ENDLESS™ Legend》是一款4X回合制奇幻策略遊戲,由《ENDLESS™ Space》和《Dungeon of the ENDLESS™》創作團隊悉心打造。一手掌控文明大小事,同時奮力營救自己的家園Auriga。打造你的個人傳奇!
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凡是想探索或再次回味Amplitude Studios系列作的史詩故事與創新遊戲機制的玩家,千萬不可錯過《ENDLESS™ Universe Collection》這款終極組合包。
《ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition》 本遊戲系列作之起源。在這個回合制的史詩策略遊戲,你將一邊爭奪星系統治權,一邊探索星系並揭開其奧秘。你會採納民主作風,還是將阻礙你的一切全數殲滅?
《ENDLESS™ Space 2 - Definitive Edition》 在這款宇宙史詩策略遊戲中,你將致力成為統治Dust且延續長存的文明。共有十二個陣營可供你選擇,各個陣營彼此爭權奪勢,你的地位隨時會面臨挑戰......即使在你自己的帝國內也一樣波濤洶湧。
《ENDLESS™ Legend - Definitive Edition》 在這款回合制的奇幻策略遊戲,為無情殘酷的Auriga星球在遼闊的宇宙進行貿易。威脅甚鉅:身為十四個陣營之一的領袖,你得自行打造自己的傳奇,確保子民性命無虞。
《Dungeon of the ENDLESS™ - Definitive Edition》 你因犯罪而被送往Auriga系統當奴隸,更糟的是你的太空船卻撞上如地下城一般的Endless設施。你別無選擇,只能與其他囚友和守衛一同組隊,試圖從這個Rogue風格的地下城防禦冒險中逃命。