Endless Space 2

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ES2 Generic Game

ENDLESS™ Space 2 :DLC Collection

  • 4X
  • Turn-based Strategy
4X Grand Strategy Great Soundtrack Multiplayer Sci-fi Single player Space Strategy Turn-Based Turn-Based Strategy
  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - VaultersVaulters

    The resilient and stubborn Vaulters left the dying planet of Auriga for a new chance at finding a place they can finally call home.

  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - SupremacySupremacy

    Meet the Hissho, a militaristic faction focused on expanding their empire and subjugating those who stand in their way.

  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - Untold TalesUntold Tales

    Even if they are not the leading forces of the galaxy, minor factions still have their own heroes and their own stories: hear them out.

  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - Lost SymphonyLost Symphony

    The Harmony are back. The travelers of this minor faction are experts at exploiting resources and will be invaluable allies. Also includes seven exclusive music tracks.

  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - Harmonic MemoriesHarmonic Memories

    Enjoy nine remastered tracks from the original Endless Space as well as a new Harmony Hero: FES2 Reflects.

  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - Celestial WorldsCelestial Worlds

    The Leader of the Academy’s influence is wavering, and Restless Heroes start to rise… this epic multiple ending questline will make each of your decisions count.

  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - PenumbraPenumbra

    The Umbral Choir faction does not usually meddle with the rest of the denizens of the galaxy, but even they cannot ignore its death cry.

  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - AwakeningAwakening

    The Nakalim faction was once a vast galactic empire under the guidance of their gods, the Lost. When the Lost were slain, the Nakalim fell from grace. They now seek to reclaim their ancient territories.

  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - Dark MatterDark Matter

    With twelve new story quests, investigate ancient mysteries and… less ancient problems caused by unruly subjects of your empire.

Amplitude Studios
SEGA Europe Ltd
출시 일자
Turn-based Strategy

Endless™ Space 2는 전략적 우주 오페라로, 매력적인 “딱 한 턴만 더” 스타일의 게임플레이를 미스테리한 Endless™ 세계관 속에 풀어낸 게임입니다. 여러분은 과연 한 문명의 지도자로서 자신의 비전을 실현하고 가장 위대한 성간 제국을 건설할 수 있을까요?


Base Game
ENDLESS™ Space 2: Standard Edition
  • 4X
  • Turn-based Strategy
4X Grand Strategy Great Soundtrack Multiplayer Sci-fi Single player Space Strategy Turn-Based Turn-Based Strategy

Endless™ Space 2는 전략적 우주 오페라로, 매력적인 “딱 한 턴만 더” 스타일의 게임플레이를 미스테리한 Endless™ 세계관 속에 풀어낸 게임입니다. 여러분은 과연 한 문명의 지도자로서 자신의 비전을 실현하고 가장 위대한 성간 제국을 건설할 수 있을까요?


ENDLESS™ Space 2: DLC Collection
  • 4X
  • Turn-based Strategy
4X Grand Strategy Great Soundtrack Multiplayer Sci-fi Single player Space Strategy Turn-Based Turn-Based Strategy


Endless Space 2 is a Strategic Space Opera, featuring the compelling “just one more turn” gameplay, set in the mysterious Endless universe. As the leader of your civilization, will you impose your vision and build the greatest stellar empire?

  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - VaultersVaulters

    The resilient and stubborn Vaulters left the dying planet of Auriga for a new chance at finding a place they can finally call home.

  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - SupremacySupremacy

    Meet the Hissho, a militaristic faction focused on expanding their empire and subjugating those who stand in their way.

  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - Untold TalesUntold Tales

    Even if they are not the leading forces of the galaxy, minor factions still have their own heroes and their own stories: hear them out.

  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - Lost SymphonyLost Symphony

    The Harmony are back. The travelers of this minor faction are experts at exploiting resources and will be invaluable allies. Also includes seven exclusive music tracks.

  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - Harmonic MemoriesHarmonic Memories

    Enjoy nine remastered tracks from the original Endless Space as well as a new Harmony Hero: FES2 Reflects.

  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - Celestial WorldsCelestial Worlds

    The Leader of the Academy’s influence is wavering, and Restless Heroes start to rise… this epic multiple ending questline will make each of your decisions count.

  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - PenumbraPenumbra

    The Umbral Choir faction does not usually meddle with the rest of the denizens of the galaxy, but even they cannot ignore its death cry.

  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - AwakeningAwakening

    The Nakalim faction was once a vast galactic empire under the guidance of their gods, the Lost. When the Lost were slain, the Nakalim fell from grace. They now seek to reclaim their ancient territories.

  • ENDLESS™ Space 2 - Dark MatterDark Matter

    With twelve new story quests, investigate ancient mysteries and… less ancient problems caused by unruly subjects of your empire.

시스템 사양


상호 작용
  • Chinese (traditional)
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Korean
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Chinese (traditional)
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Korean
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish